my symptoms

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      in the last day or two,my breasts have become very tender,i have a funny taste in my mouth the whole time like metal,the last day there was a bit of brown spotting in my underwear,i feel very tired,peeing a lot,very irritable…i also feel quite bloated,is this a stupid question to ask but do you think im pregnant?my period is due on the 17th.please reply x

      Young mum 2 be

        yeah maybe best chance take a test.


          Well, was your last period normal? If your next period isn’t due for 9 more days it seems like it would be much too early for you to show such strong signs. But the spotting does sound a little suspicious. I would wait until the 17th and then definitely take a home pregnancy test. Good luck!


            please could someone reply,i dont know whether i should warn my boyfriend now or wait to get my period?


              thanks for all your help everyone x


                my last period was only a day or two long,it was bright red boold and it seemed like i had a clot,i dont know if that means anything.


                  You should go see a doctor. It doesn’t soud like your pregnant but just to be safe take a test


                    i will test next week if my period doesnt arrive,im used to the idea x


                      just thought id let ye know i took a hpt last night and it came back positive


                        I’ve been having the same symptoms. I’m worried too. I don’t know what to do. I was suppose to have my period last week.

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