I have a 19 month old girl and I am, in theory, 28 weeks pregnant. Based off of my lmp I am 30. When I was 11 weeks and we found out, because I wasn’t sure of how far along I was, my doc did an ultrasound to measure and came up with 11 weeks, not 13.
Now my dilema is that I feel more like 30+ weeks. The aches and pains I had in the 30-35 week range with my first daughter I am having now. I went through hip seperation at 25 weeks. I already have massive pelvic floor pressure and started having braxton hicks contractions at 23 weeks. Also, I measure big. At 23 weeks, I measured 25. At 27, I measured 31. My doc is waiting for my next appointment and if I am measuring big again she is going to do another US to make sure that we’re still looking at 8.3.07.
I realize every pregnancy is different but I figured things would be at least midly congruent. How did your experience with your second pregnancy differ from your first.