Well, about the pains… how far along are you is what I would like to know? Cause they are pretty normal if you are in your last month of pregnancy… I would not exercise at all, but just watch what you eat. Even if you crave that chocolate… if you are the type of girl who cares about your weight than just eat healthy stuff. Even though, believe me, you will be gaining ALOT during pregnancy, it is normal though, you should be worried when you are NOT gaining weight! But if you do do exercise, dont lift ANYTHING! and dont do sit ups or anything strenuous to your body, I would say just walking is the best. That is also what is recommended. Eat what ever you like girl! I have to say, I ate the most unhealthy stuff during pregnancy cause I just hate fruit and vegetables, but my baby is more than healthy! So you shouldnt listen to all that stuff about if you dont eat well yor kid wont be well.