so i have more symptoms to add to what ive been having, i was and still am having, constipation, missed my period for febuary, slight nausea, headaches, back aches, im always tired,gassey, spotted the beginning of march, plus strange food cravings. now to add to that i am having swollen tender breasts, im having symptoms of seasonal allergies as well ( i have never had allergies in my life)
my mom says it could be a symptom because when your pregnant sometimes your senses are stronger. plus i took a pregnancy test today and it came back a faint positive.. so i showed my husband and we are making an opointment to see a doctor. what do you guys think? my period is due again in a few days so.. im thinking of taking an other test before i see a doctor. that and im going to see if my period shows up.. doubt it will though.