I just don’t know

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    Hey all so I have the same issue so I’ll try to add more details:

    So I think I’m pregnante but I don’t know for sure….I’ve getting sharp stocmach pains, I have terrible heart burn like every day, I feel like vomiting almost everyday, I’m only about two days late on my period, and I so tired. So you would think that with all this when I took the test it would be positive, but no it was negative I thought maybe it was too early, but I took it the day I was suppose to start….I don’t what it could be, I think I am pragnate, but with the test telling me I’m not I don’t know what to think. I’ve been off the bill for about six months now so there is a possibilty, I was just wondering if any of you have ever taken a test and have it show negative when it was really positive


    I took a test that was negative and two weeks later it was positive. Sometimes your hormones dont elevate very quickly.. Let us know how this turns out and dont hesitate to ask more questions……ps. take a blood test at a doctor if you dont find out soon.


    Hiya, i have had the same experience as you, i had really bad heartburn ( I have never had heartburn in my life before) and i felt sick in the mornings and evenings and i am tired all the time, but i think as im reading into all the pregnancy stuff, i think i may be making myself feel like this, but i really don’t know and my last test was negative. As we are all so very different we all don’t show on a home pregnancy test straight away, i know one girl who was negative, but then went to the doctor and was positive. She then (as a test) tried a home pregnancy test and it din’t show she was pregnant until she was more then 4 months!! So you never know!! Jen x

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