preg test

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    whats the longest it took anyone before they got a postive on a htp?

    im jus wondering bc im 4 weeks late and getting a neg on the test and have a few signs that i might be preg and i cant get an appointment with my doc till next week.:ohmy:


    Just start taking prenatals to make sure you are getting what you need incase you are preg. Other than that there is nothing else to do but wait for your doctors appt. let us know how it goes 🙂 …Meg


    Some people keep testing neg even though they are. I know somebody that didnt know she was pregnant until 5 months because she kept testing neg. Take care of yourself, you never know!


    heya, when i was pregnant the tests kept coming up negative but i new i was pregnant because i was never late for my period, it took me about 4 weeks before it came up positive, it just depends on your pregnancy hormone level. it jut might be very low. keep in touch x

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