Maybe this time it worked?

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  • #15726

    Hello All!!! 🙂

    My fiance and I have been trying to conceive for the past few years with no luck. My last period occurred 2/4/07, and normally lasts for 5-6 days. Well, today is the 8th of March, and no aunt flow in sight. Are my hopes up for nothing? How long should I wait before I begin taking tests, or see my doctor? Since I was 12 years old, I have never been late, or missed a period. I have a regular cycle 26-28 days apart….

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    Much love, and keep your fingers crossed 🙂


    any suggestions?????????????????????


    well after the first missed day of your period most HPT’s will give an accurate result. Go to a doctor if there are more questions after that I guess. How long have you been engaged????


    Hi There, i would take the test, at least then you will know for definate. Let us know how it goes….. Good Luck!! Jenna x


    Take a test Lady! RIght now is a good time and there should be enought of the hormone in you system for a test to pick it up. Good luck 🙂


    well if i were you i would go to your dr. and get a blood test! u can try a home preggo test and see but blood tests are 100% accurate! and since u have been trying so long i would just go do it bc somtimes home preggo tests just give u the run around lol


    i suggest taking a HTP or just going to the doc…bcuz the doc can do the same as a HTP and if it shows nothing the can do a blood test….Good luck…

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