3 day period cud i b pregnant plz help!!

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    hi my names laura and im new 2 all this im 24 and i have 2 great kids that are 6 and 4 from a previous relationship i really need some advice if anybody out there could help it wud b much apreciated i had an ectopic pregnancydue to having the coil last october and had my left tube removed since then my partner n i have been tryin for a baby for 4months now im not on any contraception n certanly cant have the coil again!! my last period was on the 16th of feb but wasnt a normal period i was only on for 3 days and it was light im normally regular as clockwork on for 6 days n heavey with bad cramps now the thing is my partner is in the army so the last time i had unprotected sex was b4 my 3day period cud i b pregnant ????? im constantly weeing feeling slightly sick n very iritable and have discharge ??????? is it possible im worried as well that only havin 1 tube i will not concieve plz help x


    Well I would say you have a great chance of being preg. Almost everytime my sister has been preg she starts for one day then stops. take a test and go immediately to a doctor and tell them of your previous tubal. My daughter was a tubal but she shook loose and replanted but that was a miracle she is now almost 5. so please get checked out and make sure that you dont have a little time bomb in your tube. You need to be healthy for your other two. And if you dont mind I am going to pray for you right now. Lord Jesus I want to give you laura right now and ask that if she is pregnant and could possibly have another tubal that you would just touch her body right now and cause this baby to slip out and replant just as you did for me. But Lord if it is not Your will at this time and she is not pregnant may you just bring her period swiftly so she can stop worying. I pray Lord that whatever might come of this that Your hand would be in her life and that Your goodness and mercy would be in her home we just give this situation into Your hands and ask Your covering in Jesus name Amen….Get to the doctor asap and let us all know how it goes :)…Meg


    THANK YOU so much for your message iv been checking constantly to c if any one had replyed and u made my day when i seen yr msge 🙂 I went to the doctors yesterday and took a morning wee sample an it was negative but i supose it is still 2 early 2 tell as im not due on till the 16th of march (this month ) i have all the symptoms bad headaches boobs feelin tender and big weeing loads cramps really emotional but now im starting to think im amagining it all i worke out my fertile days and i was ovulating and fertile on the days i had unprotected sex i am getting my hopes up but will b so disapointed if im not x

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