:unsure: ok here it goes. i went to the doctor friday the 19 of january. i am 37 weeks pregnant and the doctor says i am measuring too small. what could this mean? he said the same thing in december and sent me for an ultrasound then but the results of that showed my baby was bigger than he should have been. i am really confused. My o/b says i hide my baby, how is this possible? but the heartbeat is great and all of my ultrasounds have shown everything is perfect. i am going for another ultrasound on tuesday and i am so worried something is wrong but i dont know maybe i am just getting to worked up? i just dont see how i am measuring too small when i have gained almost 55 pounds.:whistle:. and i am confused about him saying i hide my baby cuz me, my boyfriend, and our family have no problems at all finding him! anyone been thru this and could offer me some advice? please help!!