35 Days Late

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      I am feeling kind of nervous —
      I am 18 years old and I have been having sex for 2 years now.
      My period has a regular cycle of 30 days, and I am currently 35 days late.
      About 2-2 1/2 weeks ago I took an at-home pregnancy test with a negative result.
      My friends suggested that I should wait and not to worry about it too much (I have had scares before in the past and they turned out fine–I have never been this late though)

      I am not on birth control.
      I did use a condom….

      During my first two weeks my symptoms included fatigue, bloating, and tender breasts. However, I took into consideration that these things happen before your period, or even when your period is late you tend to become bloated.

      However, my breasts have been hurting a lot more lately. My nipples seem to be constantly erect (I have limited which bras I can use now, hehe) and I have been feeling strange things in my abdomen. Usually they are not too painful, but sometimes I do get an extreme pain where I feel like I could not move due to it.

      My nipples have been a little itchy lately, and more prominent and dark around the edges also.

      Among other things, my appetite has curved, I have gained a small ammount of weight, and I have been urinating more frequently… No sickness, but I have been feeling very light headed lately also, and standing for awhile (like at work) seems to be difficult sometimes–that could be included with fatigue.

      Overall–should I worry, or wait to take another test?
      —Help !


      Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/11/29 18:12

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