will me and my ex-boyfriend was together for 3 an a half years but have been broken up for a year. For this very long ear we have been hookin-up. We have only use condoms 3 times. just last week we had sex again but only this time he didnt pull out! lately a lot of changes have beenhappen to my body, and i worried if im pregnat or not. If i am i want to keep it but i know that he is going to say"NO".(becuz he already has a 3year old). So how do i know if i am? what am i going to do if i am and he dont want keep it? I REALLY NEED HELP!!!!!!!!! HELP ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!::( ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ :sick: