i was just wondering if anyone knew of any tricks to make the baby be born faster. i am due in 5 days and im getting very impatient! i want to see my son already! so if anyone has any advice i would appreciate it very much. thanx
gina lynn
My advice is just sit tight. You never know your due date may be off and he or she might not be ready to be born. If you are very sure that your EDD is correct then I have heard that having sex and having the man cum in you somtimes gets those contractions get started (it has to somthing to do with the sperm) but as I said your baby knows when it is time to come and if he or she doesn’t then your doc. might help you along with somthing like pitosin
They will come when they are ready my dear…sometimes they miscalculate due dates…they messed mine up real goo i was 4 weeks late AHHHH and still had to be induced (technically only 2 weeks late until she came out and they realised she should have been out LONG before) and like my daughter they decide to become siamese twins with you and just never want to leave that nice warm safe belly…shes 5 and hasnt left my apron strings yet:P