still negative and still having all symptoms

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      Its Aub again, I posted on october 10th.

      Im still having all the syptoms of being pregnant. I did tell my mom cause I thought maybe something else was wrong. Tests are negative I took 3 of them. If I calculate and my mom did too, I would be 5 weeks now. When should i take another one. They did do an ultrasound oct 27th, they didnt see anything, no cysts, no pregnancy, nothing. I just think im going insane. my boobs have gown 2 SIZES, more bloated, more nauseous. Doctors in SE Iowa probably think im nuts but alot of people I talk to say it could be too soon and to wait. I dont know. I really dont think it all in my head. I really feel and think im pregnant. Someone said it could be the meds Im on, Im on Provigil, Effexor, Periactin, Ultram, and some herbs. They think its the Effexor, its an Anti Depressant and Ive been on it for 5 years, Could be.

      What do you think??? Let me know

      thanx Aub

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