can pregnant happen ?

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms can pregnant happen ?

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      🙁 still early age.i was having my sex on my period time.i want to know can i be pregnant in period time evnt though it is not heavy flow.which it done on 4-5 dsyd on period dsy .help me plz..thanks


        Yes, you could be pregnant. The first step is to take a pregnancy test…



          Sometimes it could be happen. But is not usual. You can try a blood test one week later and see… But I don’t think so…


            You can, but it is less likely I believe. That though never means it won’t happen. So wait a while then take a test if you are worried about it. This is a tough situtation.. Maybe take to your parnter and see what they say, and know their reactions this will help for future refs…
            Hope this helps…
            You world is filled of chances and changes you chose them everyday.. What will tomorrow be? What will it hold??


              Yes , Im sure it can happen .That happens mostly to girls with irregular periods.


                yeah you can get prego on your period. I think I did. I was either close to it or on it. I’d never have sex on my period again though (when i get my period again lol).

                Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/10/19 15:09

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