Making a New Plan
Your life has taken an unexpected turn and it is time to make a new plan! There are probably lots of things on your mind and perhaps it is hard to think clearly because you are afraid and feeling vulnerable. You are a mother and have a little one to take care of now. The […]

Your life has taken an unexpected turn and it is time to make a new plan! There are probably lots of things on your mind and perhaps it is hard to think clearly because you are afraid and feeling vulnerable. You are a mother and have a little one to take care of now.

The good news is, you can do it! Many other women have found themselves in your situation and have come out of it as stronger women and wonderful mothers. This is going to be a very difficult time for you and the next couple of years raising a toddler will not be easy either. However, if you work through your life a day at a time and make the most important things your priorities, you will not get as overwhelmed.

The most important thing to do right now would be to surround yourself with loving, supportive people. Do not be afraid to reach out! Look around for a young moms group or drop by a local pregnancy center where you can find many resources.  Attend groups where you will discuss everything from pregnancy, relationships, nutrition, childbirth, to all the practical aspects of bringing your baby home. You can also find immediate assistance with food vouchers, maternity clothes, baby clothes, prenatal vitamins, baby equipment and much more. People are at the centers to respect your privacy while giving you love and practical support. Trust me, I know this from experience. With my first pregnancy, I spent much time at a local pregnancy center. At first, the idea of dropping in was very intimating and I felt embarrassed that I needed help. Before long, I felt quite at home and was so grateful for all their help.

Once your immediate needs are taken care of you will be in a better place emotionally to start planning your future.  Do not think that just because you are pregnant or have just had a baby that you will not have a future. You could receive grants to go back to school as a single mother and there is also childcare funding available. Ultimately, the best place to go for information regarding education would be to go speak with a financial aid officer at your local college or university. They will be able to connect you with all the resources you need in order to further your education.

Think about marriage long and hard.  An important part of your future will be what role the father of your child plays in your life and your child’s life. Marriage can provide mutual aid and support for a lifetime, but keep in mind that unless you build your marriage on a strong foundation it can fail. If the father of your child refuses to play a role in his child’s life, remember that he cannot escape financial responsibility (which is often why men are so insistent on abortion). You should seek legal advice on this matter (ask at your local town hall for access to free legal advice) and have an order for child support put in place.

Planning your new future can seem overwhelming at times, but do not give up! Day by day you will work through this. If you are looking for further resources, an excellent website to lookup is

Never forget, you have the power in you to give your little child and yourself a hopeful future.

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