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    I just found this site and thought I’d introduce myself. I’m Amanda, 22 year old mama to a beautiful 8 month old boy and 21 weeks pregnant with a baby girl due 1/25/07. Though I’m not exactly a teen, I’ve faced alot of opposition in my decision to keep my babies. I got pregnant with my son my junior year of college and gave birth to him 5 days before the start of 2nd semester of my senior year. I went back and graduated in may.. then discovered 5 days later that I was pregnant.. AGAIN. I was urged by alot of people to consider abortion because after all, my son was just 4 months old.. however I stood my ground and decided that i could do this.. no neiether one of my babies were planned,but they are both wanted.. very much so 🙂 I’d love to offer support to any other struggling young mamas 🙂


    Hi Amanda! Your story is encouraging, as I am currently a sophomore in college, and I’m due on the first day of my spring qtr, in March. I plan on living in the town my school is in year round now so that I can take summer classes and finish as soon as possible. But I’m worried that I won’t be able to find child care while I’m in classes and working, or that I’ll be a bad mom if I have to put my baby in daycare when s/he is just an infant. How did you manage to get everything done while you were in school? *Jaz*


    Awe lol i wish i was having a girl :-p im gonna have a beautiful boy though lol my babys due january 22nd so were really close in our due dates lol i hope it works out! im 16 though so im kinda scared, kinda not. if that makes sense lol


    thanks for the encouragement! and cograts on being pregnant again. im having a girl too (dec.13th). i bet youre excited because now youll have a little girl to dress up and everything!


    Fortunately I had the support of my husband (tho we weren’t married at the time) who lived w/ me, and when he couldnt babysit I brought my son to class w/ me (my profs didnt seem to mind).. but I’m sure that may not be an option at all schools. I also took him with me to the libraries and to required events (including my senior poster presentation) because I had no one to watch him. I encourage you to talk with your instructors.. they may be more accomodating if they know your situation. And also, so not feel like a bad mom if you end up putting your child in daycare.. take heart in knowing your doing the best you can!!


    wow thats crazy!! im gonna be 18 next week, and im having a baby girl. im 22 weeks and 4 days preg, and im due jan 26th!

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