i hate being pregnant but cant wait for my baby

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    since ive been pregnant every thing has kind of sucked because my boyfriend is always out and i am so hurt by that because if he loved us he’d be around more not just come home to eat and fall asleep but watever i love him im sure he loves me but i really need to vent


    Hey, I know how your feeling..my boyfren always goes out and I’m 31weeks pregnant. He doesn’t go spend our money and party hard..but he always goes and hangs with his friends. It’s really annoying especially because I feel so alone. I’m pregnant and most of my frens rather spend a friday evening or saturday evening going out. I’m stuck at home watching tv or being on the computer well hes chillen with his friends.
    Some people just say let it go..but I swear if he doesn’t change by the time the baby is born..I really don’t see it working. We both love oneanother, but I guess we gotta give eavhother our space. His space includes going and hanging with his friends..I guess I have to put up with it. Anyways just wanted to let you know it will be okay. I know how it feels!!! UGHHH so annoying!!! Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well, and don’t stress yourself out!!!


    [b]where does he go? i mean if he has to work its understandable but if not then y dont u go with him? jus cuz ur preggor doesnt mean u have to b stuck home!! im 40 weeks preggor n i still go out… try talking to him n going out together..

    Ani&John=Jaylie Joanis

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