Hi I dont know if anyone can help with this but I really dont know where else to ask. I came across this site when I found out I was pregnant with my second child and was really scared and unsure. I had my first daughter at 19 and was in a 5 year relationship with Andrew her father but once she was born I came to realise that we had drifted apart and he really wasnt father material and slipped into depression. After about a year I met Shane and he made my life seem better for awhile til i came to realise he was the exact oposite to Andrew and not really a guy I wanted to live my life with so I broke it off and 4 months later I found out I was pregnant my mother spat the dummy, not as bad as the first time I told her I was pregnant but she still said some hurtfull things and really upset me.
With both pregnancies I continued to have my period until about 4 months along and never really showed any of the normal symptoms aside from my breasts getting a little bigger but hardly noticable. My partner of 2 years broke up with me 2 1/2 months ago and now I havent had a period for 3 months, my breasts are sore, i’m going to the toilet more often and I have put some weight on my stomach. I’ve taken 6 different pregnancy tests and they all came out negative but I am just getting the I am pregnant feeling again and I am really scared to go to the doctors because I live in a small country town where everyone talks and I know everyone already thinks I am a s**t. I’m just wondering if it would be possible to be pregnant and the HPT not pick it up or if I am just going nuts. Sorry for the length but i’m just so confused and scared right now my fingers are typeing a million miles a minute.