I need help

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    My period is really late.. It was suspose to come June 9th or 10th. And her it is June 26th
    I am having symptoms like nausea, cramps and tender BB. Friday (23rd) I found blood, so ofcourse I thought I was going to start, but here it is now monday and nothing not since friday.I got so sick saturday at work that I had to leave.
    I know I should go buy an HPT, I just might do that. I can’t work up the nerve because I keep thinking I am going to start.

    I need any advice anyone can give me with my concern or any kind of symptoms


    That little bit of blood you had could of been implantation bleeding. Lots of women think its the start of their period when really its not. I would definitely go buy a test or go see a doctor for one. Being that late on your period is not normal specially if your not irregular. I would also recommend the tests that are digital that either say pregnant or not pregnant, they are lot easier than trying to determine if there is a line visible or not. Let me know how it goes.

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