7 wks. no symtoms??? ADVICE NEEDED

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    [size=2]hi all…well okay i am allready almost 3 weeks late for my period. i took a hpt and it said pos. but heres the weird thing

    very light symtoms.

    and im scared about that

    all thats been happening to me is backaches,twinges here and there,eating more, i can smell EVERYTHING, my saliva has encreaced,lightheaded, and me and my feoncee can allready tell im getting bigger. but i mean its not enough for me to really notice them.

    but i have had no morning sickness

    is this normal?




    yes thats normall im preg at the mo……..im nerly 12 weeks gone n wen i was last preg. i didnt hav ne morning sickness.. i guess i was lucky lol n so r u! go to drs and make sure ur checked ova eat healthy n once u relise u r its a bit psychological but ur gona relise more stuf mor symtoms lol good luck x x x x


    It is not that unusual to have few symptoms. The lucky ones get no symptoms!! I had no morning sickness at all fo the fist two months then just a little in the third and fourth which is a bit back to front really. Every girls body reacts differently to pregnancy and its the lucky ones thar dont suffer. It might be worth doing another test if you worried cos they are not always accurate. But just think yourself lucky and i hope the whole pregnancy goes this well for you, Good Luck


    Consider yourself lucky. I was so sick with both of my children almost all 9 months. I ended up losing a lot of weight and had horrible aches from being so dehydrated. Not every women gets sick. I wish i could have been one of those women. Be grateful you can eat what you want and it wont come back up 5 minutes later. 🙂


    it normally isnt for a pragnet gurl im not myself and never have been but my sister is shes on her 2nd kid and shes now 21 she was younger when she had her first but she loves him to death. i dont think its normal not to get morning sickness but it is possible i am researching this topic rite now for school and their are very few lucky girls who get pragnet and dont get all the systoms seems to me like your one of them i hope ill be like that if i ever have kids dont be scared your lucky!!!!


    i’ve just found out im 5 wks pregnant, very happy!!
    1 thing worrying me though is that im geting stretching aches round my stomach and under my ribs. is this normal???? i dont go to the midwife till 3rd may.


    The pains are normal. I had them with my daughter and I’m now 5 1/2 wks and still have them. its just your body adjusting to the baby. everything will be. just make sure you let your midwife know and she’ll help you with everything you need to know!

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