16 and Pregnant with a little Boy
Im 16yrs old in 5 1/2 months pregnant when i told my babys father i was pregnant he said pece out this has been the hardest experience in the life but i have gotten used to it. i would have never even considered abortion even tho my jayden glenn was unplanned i love him more […]

Im 16yrs old in 5 1/2 months pregnant when i told my babys father i was pregnant he said pece out this has been the hardest experience in the life but i have gotten used to it. i would have never even considered abortion even tho my jayden glenn was unplanned i love him more than anything in this world. Jayden is the reason i get up everymorning the reason im still in school

trying to graduate. my babys father isnt here for me one bit. he doesnts even claim jayden. but as days go by i make things better for myself cuz i have to now for my son ;]
for girls who are pregnant and thinking about abortion to be honest my son has been the nest thing in my life and i wouldnt amagine a day anymore without wondering wht he is going to look like, and how much he is gonna brighten up my day. you dont need a man to be there for your child it is hard but things get better with time <33
always keep your head up and think of better days
Blake Stillson

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