1 WeeK and 6 DAys. I’m IN LOVe BABy.
I cant WAIt TO see YOU, HOld YOu, and SMutHEr You WIth My lOve and ALso WIth DaDDy’s. I DOn’t KNow and WOn’t KNOw tiLL lATer IF yoU’RE a PrINceSS or A prINce BUt WhatEVer YOu Are, I AM thANkfUL!
1 WeeK and 6 DAys. I’m IN LOVe BABy.
I cant WAIt TO see YOU, HOld YOu, and SMutHEr You WIth My lOve and ALso WIth DaDDy’s. I DOn’t KNow and WOn’t KNOw tiLL lATer IF yoU’RE a PrINceSS or A prINce BUt WhatEVer YOu Are, I AM thANkfUL!
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